NPK - Download latest NPK release [NOTE: this section has moved here]



Latest stable version:
(Not available)
Latest beta version (for development purposes only):
NPK 1.4.1 (DOS based version), 9 September 2000
Done bits for next version:
NPK MUD-Like Environment is composed by several small binaries, just like the in old Unix philosophy. These are the programs that are already done. Some of them may be useless without other unfinished programs. And all of them are subject to any needed changes.
You can view the source and give any sugestions. If you decide to compile any of these programs, be carefull and don't run it unless you know exactly what it does and how it works. We won't take no responsibilities.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Read the news! NPK is not anymore composed by a lot of small pieces.

Features inside next version:
Next public NPK version will be (we hope) NPK 2.0. These are the new features we are trying to implement in that version:


NPK - Everything we do, we do it for everyone.